Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Today we had to let Oscar, the Pug, go. He was 14 years old and very sick. He was blind, def and had no voice at all, but he was the sweetest dog. My favorite memory of him, other than just the way he seemed to saturate you with snot just by breathing close to you, was when all the Larsons were over at Grandma and Grandpa's house, and we were having a picnic and playing games in the back yard. Nikki was sitting on the grass with all of us, but for some reason Oscar thought Nikki's back would be the best place to lift his leg and relieve himself. Funny as heck! He's been much loved by my kids, and fun to have around. Ace really loved him, too, but he was just too old to play as rough as Ace wanted. I've never heard any living thing breathe so dang loud in all my life, but what a sweet disposition for such an ugly little thing. You are loved, Ox!

Friday, January 14, 2011


I'm well into the second week of my training. I'm getting ready for the Woman of Steal Triathlon in American Fork. I was running a few days a week before I started my training, but I'm running every day now, and holy smokes! I can't believe the difference it makes. I'm faster, stronger, and my stamina is way up, however, I have the worst case of shin splints ever known to man or woman. The best way to get rid of them is to stop running for a few weeks. Not an option. I'm a bit frusterated, because I can hardly walk today. I'm hoping a few exercises that I've heard of will help, but I'm a bit worried.

Abby is in the school play this year. Oi. What a great adventure for her, but, dang it, it's a ton of work! They're doing Mulan, Jr. (My mom thought it was Mulan Rouge. In elementry school. haha.) She's really excited. They only allow 5th and 6th graders do the plays, and she's in 4th, but because she takes vocal coaching from the music teacher, she was asked to be in a few of the choruses. I'm so excited for her! She's going to do great! I'm just wondering how we're going to pull off training, play practice, activity days, scouts and the pine wood derby, and the science fair. I'm tapped.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dallin's Baptism

Yesterday my sweet boy was baptized. What a wonderful day! He's been so excited for MONTHS to reach this amazing mile-stone. It's hard to look at him and not see the baby he was, and accept the growing boy he is and the young man he's becoming.
He told Tony that he was so nervous before he entered the water, but then as he took his first step into the water, he felt calm and comforted and he knew without a doubt that he was making the right decision. As we were getting him ready to go to the church, he asked me what would happen if he decided not to get baptized. I told him it was always his choice, and he didn't have to do it if he didn't want to, and it would be ok. He then, in his simple way, told me he wanted to get baptized because it's the right thing to do. What a simple declaration of faith. My heart was full already, and then his simple quiet faith had it overflowing.
The faith that my boy has is so sure and strong, I marvel at the potential he has to grow into an unshakable man. He loves the gospel and is just beginning to understand the atonement. I'm so excited to watch his faith grow.
We had so many family members there to support Dallin. What a blessing it is to have so many in your corner rooting for you and cheering for your triumphs. All of my children are blessed with wonderful Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents, and wonderful friends that they know they can turn to for guidance, love, and acceptance. My cup truly runneth over.

Monday, January 3, 2011

2010....a retrospective....ha.

So, last year was in. sane. So much happened. For the first half of the year I was fairly self absorbed as I worked my tail off to be ready for my FIRST SPRINT TRIATHLON! I trained nearly every night to make sure I didn't totally embarrass myself. I ran twice a week, biked twice a week, and swam twice a week. What an amazing feeling I had finishing that race. It was the Woman of Steel tri, and I am still so touched by the stories of the amazing women that ran that race with me. I'm beginning my training again tomorrow (or rather today) to be ready again this year, and I'm hoping to kill my time from last year!!

Tony, as always, is awesome. He's working his tail off at Ottley's, training like a marine, and playin' guitar once a week. His talents are endless. I won't embarass him anymore...I'm already going to get in trouble for that much being said.

My children have changed so very much this past year....

Abby is truly turning into a beautiful young woman instead of being a beautiful little girl. She turns 10 this year, and seems as though she's 20 already. She amazes me every day. I don't know what I would do without her. She's the best. She's learning the piano at impressive speeds, and gobbling up books faster then I can get her new ones! She wants to start running with me...!

Dallin. Wow. What a kid. His energy level just astounds me. It seems there's no end to his desire to just DO something. It's so fun to have a conversation with him. His view of the world is enlightening. He just accepts people for who they are. What a talent that is. He's hating having to learn the piano. (I practically have to strap him to the bench) But he really wants to play the drums, and my rule is he has to learn to read music first. Why not learn to use it at the same time?

Lauren is just ha. lar. i. ous. She has this laugh that makes you think of naughty little faeries. She's so strong willed that I know she knows her mind and how to use it. She's loving preschool and making new friends.

Max. My Max. What a kid. That little guy can weedle his way out of ANY amount of trouble. This past year he's learned so many new things. His vocab is REDICULOUS!

Our newest arrival...Ace. Yep. We did it. We got a puppy, though how you can use such a smally innocent word to discribe that beast is far beyond me. He's 5 months old now, well over 40 lbs, and still growing. He's a springer spanial/lab mix. We got him from the Ruff Patch Rescue (amazing BTW) and we've loved every minute of the insanity.

Well...there it is in a nutshell. Pretty vague, I know, but like I said...I'll try to be better!!

New Year Resolutions

It's so cliche' this time of year to make resolutions, and not keep them...but I find it helpful at the beginning of the new year to start over and try to do better. So, here's ONE of my many resolutions. I'm going to try my hardest to keep my blog updated. I'm hoping my amazing, beautiful, sweet, talented sister-in-law will help me figure this thing out. (Stacy, was that enough sucking up? 'Cuz if not, I could go on!!) I'm not what one could term 'computer savvy'. I'm not even computer functional, if we're getting to be really honest. But hopefully with Stacy's help, I can make a resolution I can get behind. So, Stacy...buckle up. It's going to be a bumpy ride!!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

HOLY SMOKES!!!! It's been forever that I've updated!! Crazy busy. So, Max is walking, and starting to talk and blow kisses and all kinds of cute stuff! Lauren is potty training. Dallin is a sports fanatic. Abby got baptized. And in between all that...Tony is working like crazy, and I'm running around crazy after everyone. I'm going to try to be better about updating this. :)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

We're all doing well. Tony, of course, is working hard at the office and at home. He's got so many projects he doesn't know where to start...poor guy. Debbie's tired but that's to be expected. Trying to keep up with 4 very busy kids would wear anyone out. She's starting to train for a 10k and is hoping to try for a sprint triathlon. We'll see how that goes. Abby's getting geared up for 2nd grade at Forbes Elementry. She can't wait to get back into it and see all her friends. The scary part of back to school for Dallin is done. Kindergarden shots!!! Not fun. But he's really excited to go to a new school and make new friends. He's not even nervous. Lauren is characteristiclly driving her mom crazy. She's learning new words and phrases every day, and has learned that if she laughs while she's being scolded, mom can't keep a straight face. (It just kills me) Max is growing like a weed and is being spoiled rotten buy everyone. Already 2 months old!! It feels like we just had him. Anyway...