Sunday, January 9, 2011

Dallin's Baptism

Yesterday my sweet boy was baptized. What a wonderful day! He's been so excited for MONTHS to reach this amazing mile-stone. It's hard to look at him and not see the baby he was, and accept the growing boy he is and the young man he's becoming.
He told Tony that he was so nervous before he entered the water, but then as he took his first step into the water, he felt calm and comforted and he knew without a doubt that he was making the right decision. As we were getting him ready to go to the church, he asked me what would happen if he decided not to get baptized. I told him it was always his choice, and he didn't have to do it if he didn't want to, and it would be ok. He then, in his simple way, told me he wanted to get baptized because it's the right thing to do. What a simple declaration of faith. My heart was full already, and then his simple quiet faith had it overflowing.
The faith that my boy has is so sure and strong, I marvel at the potential he has to grow into an unshakable man. He loves the gospel and is just beginning to understand the atonement. I'm so excited to watch his faith grow.
We had so many family members there to support Dallin. What a blessing it is to have so many in your corner rooting for you and cheering for your triumphs. All of my children are blessed with wonderful Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents, and wonderful friends that they know they can turn to for guidance, love, and acceptance. My cup truly runneth over.

1 comment:

alyson said...

Congrats! He is so cute. PS I still want to get you some passes to Airborne. I need to do that pronto!!